Does Aaron Rodgers Support Medical Marijuana?
Quarterback Aaron Rodgers has gained internet notoriety for his pre-snap hand motions to his teammates.
Aaron Rodgers appeared on the Bill Simmons show “Any Given Wednesday” on July 13, and much of his conversation centered around concussions.
The headlines afterwards focused on Rodgers’ own concussions, which he discussed in great detail. But the real story could be an allusion toward Rodgers supporting medical marijuana.
The money quote follows a question from Simmons asking what more can be done about concussions, and Rodgers replies that more needs to be done to treat players who both have or could develop chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE. Here’s the quote, with emphasis added:
I think you need to start thinking about how you’re going to treat those guys who’ve dealt with concussions. There's gotta be some ways we can start naturally helping those guys who either have CTE or are prime examples of guys who will have CTE. That’s where we need the scientific community to kind of step up and lead the way there because I know there's some ideas that are in trial right now that are for those guys that have suffered that kind of thing. But that’s what we need, because we can’t have any more situations like what we’ve had the last ten years where you’re having guys either take their own lives or end up passing and they’ve been dealing with this at a major level.
Hmm, what “ideas that are in trial right now” could even come close to falling into the “natural” category?
There may be nothing to Rodgers' remarks, but if he is trying to address the issue in a backhanded way, I can't blame him. A similar stance may have gotten Eugene Monroe cut this year, but I’m sure that’s purely a coincidence.