Let's fix the Panthers part 6 - The field and the fit

This is it: we’ve arrived at the end of our quest to fix the Carolina Panthers. Did we fix them? Well, probably not. This is a Packers media project, after all, and the Packers don’t even listen to me (good for them!). And if I can’t convince the Packers to do anything, what are we going to do about the Panthers?

Before we bid farewell to our Panthers project, though, there’s one more thing we need to address: how they look on the field. And we’ll start with the field itself, oddly enough.

In 2021, the Panthers made the switch from a natural grass playing surface to artificial Field Turf — a huge mistake, in my estimation. If and when I finally write my oft-threatened football manifesto, an early chapter will be titled “Football is to be Played Outside on Grass.” I think the game is at its best in those conditions, and I immediately have a lower opinion of any team that consciously chooses to move away from that brand of football. 

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